
LoRA + GPS trackers for Burning Man

7 years, 5 months ago

A pair of homebrew trackers for off-the-grid location sharing, using Adafruit's Feather boards. Hardware mostly me, software mostly Drew. Built (in a rush) for Burning Man 2016, where the perfectly circular city layout makes it possible to accurately convert GPS co-ordinates to a street address (e.g. 4.15 & J-25m). For Afrikaburn, which does not use a perfectly circular layout due to terrain, we used a radial system, choosing a centre point and origin bearing and displaying a bearing as clock time and distance in metres (e.g. 9.45 + 600m).

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Reddit and the SOPA blackouts: Exploring the problem space with Wikipedia links

10 years, 6 months ago

I've had a dataset kicking around for a while on Reddit's resistance to SOPA: 766 Reddit posts and associated comments, obtained through Reddit's API, covering from late 2011 until the day the of the blackouts, 18 January 2012. I've tried a couple of ways to analyse it, mostly thinking from a social movement perspective about how a coherent and ultimately successful resistance emerged.

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ICTD 2013 Short Paper: Mobiles and Migration

10 years, 10 months ago

I've got a short paper in ICTD 2013. The title is "Mobiles and Migration: Global Data on Immigrant Population and Mobile Subscriptions" and the abstract is below. You can also download the data, R code, draft paper and the bubble chart I used on my poster.

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SaferMobile - Mobile Security Resources

11 years, 4 months ago

Safer Mobile was a project of, publishing tactical and software resources to help activists use mobile technology more securely. As part of this project, I wrote training guides on Facebook, Twitter and SMS security, encryption and circumvention tools for mobile browsing, and mobile app security. I was also a primary author on the Safer Mobile mobile security training guide. My other writing for MobileActive included guides on how to set up an SMS system, mobile tools for data collection, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system selection.

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Critical Media Project

11 years, 4 months ago

The Critical Media Project collects curated multimedia content for use in media literacy education in the areas of race and ethnicity, class gender and sexuality. The site hasn't launched yet, but you can see some example of media content and discussion questions here.

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